Well... wow. It's an honor to be standing here in the final three. I come into most games with at least a moderately optimistic sense that I can make it through to the end, but I almost invariably wind up getting kicked off at six or seven when people start to realize that I'm a threat. This is the first final three I've been to in over three years, and I'm very, very proud to be here.
J.P. Calderon - 18th PlaceJ.P., you seemed like a really active dude, and coming into the game I was absolutely sure that you were going to be one of the biggest threats in the entire cast. I think all of Kujalleq breathed a collective sigh of relief when you were voted off, because we knew that you definitely had the potential to go the distance.
Brianna Varela - 17th PlaceYou also seemed pretty cool, and it's a shame we never got to meet. After all Brianna was totally underappreciated in Guatemala, and I can totally respect anybody who loves her.
John Paul Lewis - 16th PlaceAnother person who seemed like a ginormous threat, and your showmance with other JP was kind of intimidating. I personally was pretty relieved to see you go.
Kelly Bruno - 15th PlaceThe first Kelly casualty! Girl, you were so incredibly robbed, I can't even tell you. Even though the Kelly Alliance hadn't been formally established yet, I still liked the three of you way more than I liked anybody else on the tribe, and you were definitely my number one friend on the tribe at that point. I was majorly pissed that you were the target, and I tried like hell to save you, but nobody would listen.
Bobby Jon Drinkard - 14th PlaceYou seemed like an okay guy, and I don't know why you went inactive. Don't really know what else to say..
Brendan Synnott - 13th PlaceHaving played with you before, I know that you're a dude that will majorly wreak strategic havoc, and I was definitely nervous about the prospect of you surviving until the merge. If you hadn't disappeared, who knows? You might have stayed, and if you had, there would have been some hella interesting times in Greenland.
Alina Wilson - 12th PlaceI never really got to know you, which is too bad. You seem like a pretty nice person, but we needed to get some control over Qeqqata, lest we wind up Samoaing ourselves to hell, and it seemed like you were the least active, and therefore the one it would be easiest to target. Sorry about that. :C
Ozzy Lusth - 11th PlaceOzzmeister! You seemed like such a great dude in the early Kujalleq days, and I totally thought we could go the distance. After Kelly B got shafted I knew I was gonna need to branch out and form new connections, and I definitely wanted to work with you. It sucks that you went inactive.
Aaron Reisberger - 10th PlaceOhhhh, Aaron. I actually blatantly refused to go along with booting you, and that's because I really honestly did try to honor our final two deal. I fought like mad to get the Kujalleqs to vote for Peih-Gee, but everybody was hella worried about your sneakiness, and there was nothing at all I could do to change their minds. Wish you'd stayed, man.
Erik Huffman - 9th PlaceErik, you're a great dude, and I wish you could have stayed. But you were one of the biggest threats on Qeqqata, and once again the Kujalleq alliance wouldn't listen to me.
(No avatar, sadly)
Kelly Goldsmith - 8th PlaceSecond Kelly down. Yes, you hate me. You've got every right to hate me. I was playing you guys against Boo for the entire game, and things came to a head at the final eight. Truth be told, you should blame Shinn and Frank for what happened with the vote. Shinn was supposed to double vote, and Frank was lying to all of y'all the whole time. I really did like you, and you were a hellishly strong competitor. Hopefully if we see each other again you won't come after me with guns a-blazin'.
Kelly Czarnecki - 7th PlaceI had a difficult time understanding you, Kelly C. It seemed a lot of the time like you had just kind of checked out of the game, and then suddenly when the heat got turned up you turned into this amazing fighter, and then suddenly you got eliminated. I know you're not a cheater, and I'd love to play with you again some time.
Frank Garrison - 6th PlaceFrank, I'll give you mad props for labelling yourself as a sneaky ninja, because that's definitely what you were. I think because of your internet issues people tended to overlook you and dismiss you as inactive, so a lot of them missed out on the fact that you were actually playing the game. You were a huge threat, and you came seriously close to ending the game for me, so I definitely gotta give you a mad amount of respect for that.
Crystal Cox - 5th PlaceGirl, you were hardcore and fierce, and it sucks like hell that you went out like you did. I wish we could have taken our alliance all the way to the final three, but there was nothing I could do to save you.
Kelly Shinn - 4th PlaceProbably the person in this game who hates me most, and who probably has the best reason to. I'm sure you're wondering why I chose to screw you over, and, to be totally honest, I don't have a great reason. You'd have done fantastically against a jury, and you'd be a huge challenge threat, but the fact of the matter is that I simply didn't like how you went and tore a strip off of Boo for no reason. That was mean, and totally unnecessary, and that's why I decided not to work with you.
Boo and Peih-GeeWell, I can honestly say I never would have predicted that I'd be standing in the final three with you guys, but I'm glad that we made it this far together. It's been one heck of a ride, and I'm looking foward to taking this thing to the end.