Post by Kelly Wiglesworth on Sept 15, 2010 22:06:39 GMT -5
...ANNNND my amazingly amazing tribemates decided that they would hold this year's Biggest Tool competition this round.
Alina's inactive. Taking her out is practically a mercy-kill.
BUT NO. Instead, Kelly S has to step up and make a three-Kelly alliance with Aaron and Erik. Like... like... WHAT? SERIOUSLY? Sometimes clutching your head and saying "Ay-yi-yi-yi!" just isn't enough. What the hell possesses someone to go, "You know, I think I'll go to the biggest threats on the other team, who I've never taked to before in my life, and I'll ask them if they want to place an obvious fifth and sixth." I can't even feel sorry for the girl. Especially since I wasn't invited to join the all-Kelly party. Thanks for that, Shinn.
Word of advice to all future players. If you have a final four alliance... don't all play as all the same name. It's actually kind of insulting to the intelligence of the other players when you make it that blatant. And if it had worked, I would committed suicide, because there would literally be nothing left for me. If you can win with a strategy that retarded, then, well, the world is irredeemable.
Boo, of course, wants Kelly S out. I like Kelly S. But I couldn't even bring myself to dignify her stupidity. She turns her back on me, makes a moronic final five deal, gets her own dumb ass in the hot seat, and why on earth should I try to save her? Especially since Boo is paranoid as all hell. He randomly accuses Aaron of trying to take him out, and is seriously pissing off his new ally. Thank goodness I've got my secret final two with Aaron. Ho snap!
We'll see how this goes.
Post by Kelly Wiglesworth on Sept 16, 2010 15:32:49 GMT -5
And now I think I just managed to get rid of Alina.
Am I actually so awesome that I can singlehandedly save Kelly Shinn from elimination? Well... maybe. We'll see. And this better darn well mean that if Kelly DOES try to make a deal that doesn't include me, she's going to owe me her freakin' life, and I darn well intend to collect on that.
Post by Kelly Wiglesworth on Sept 19, 2010 2:44:12 GMT -5
Wiggly Confessional, Round Eight
You know... I honestly don't understand the people in this game. They fight like hell to stay in it... and then don't do Immunity challenges. Either they're all so arrogant that they think they don't need to win, or they're just fools.
Right now, the plan is to try and get rid of Aaron, but, knowing the way that last TC went, probably what's going to wind up happening is that we're going to ditch some random person who didn't actually deserve to go in order to assuage all of the collective egos and fears present in the game.
I'm glad that Boo won Immunity. Maybe with it being impossible for him to be voted off, he'll calm down a little bit and think rationally. He's still paranoid about me teaming up with the rest of the Kellys, and to be honest, that's pretty annoying. I've told him that I'm not, sworn it seven ways to Sunday, and yet he's still worried about it. I honestly can't think of anything I can tell him to convince him that I'm loyal, and the fact that he still suspects me of it makes me angry.
I don't actually know what route I'm gonna take to the finals. In order to get there, I'm going to either have to betray Boo or betray the Kellys. Either way, someone's gonna be pissed off at me for not holding up my end of the bargain, and that's going to cramp my style when it comes time for the jury to hand out the crown. What I might wind up doing is simply betraying everybody and claiming that that's what I wanted to do all along, but that's a seriously risky thing, plus, I would feel like a total jerk for doing that to Boo in particular. The guy is one of the few innocent people that I have ever run into in my many years of playing, and voting him off would be like punching a kitten. I can, it's well within my skill level, but... I'd be such a total jerk for doing it. I dunno.
Post by Kelly Wiglesworth on Sept 22, 2010 0:48:24 GMT -5
Round Nine, and feelin' fine.
You know, I can't believe I won Immunity. I usually have rotten luck in challenges like this. I guess that's what happens when half of the cast don't participate, though.
Boo's still paranoid, and we sadly have to go through and cleanse ourselves of the inactives, but there's really no way of helping it. If we try to vote for anybody else, the inactives will just self-vote out, and then things will be tres awkward for a very long time.
So, it's probably gonna be Peih-Gee. Which is cool. I've talked to her like once, and I think that if she does vote, and she's on the jury, then I shouldn't really have any issue getting her to vote for me.
Post by Host Damien on Sept 22, 2010 14:10:52 GMT -5
Really love reading your confessionals Keep it up!
Post by Kelly Wiglesworth on Sept 24, 2010 13:11:29 GMT -5
Wiggly Confessional for round nine!
...I'll actually have actual cool things to say later, but I should probably confess that it isn't actually my birthday. When I sign up for a game, I usually set my birthday to whatever my representative's birthday actually is.
Ironically enough, I actually didn't do that this time... because Kelly W has the same birthday as me. So I picked a random birthday, and had no idea that it was today. I actually went to the birthday thread to post a generic happy birthday message for whoever's birthday it was, and was totally shocked to discover that it was me. XD
So... umm... sorry about that. But don't tell the others! I might be a horrible person and try to guilt the others into letting me win Immunity on 'my birthday.'
But... I dunno. That's a level of horribleness that I generally don't sink to. It would be stonking hilarious, though...
Post by Kelly Wiglesworth on Sept 26, 2010 20:54:30 GMT -5
And... Erik is gone. Tres sad. Well, not really. Erik is one of those depressingly honest people that will always be nice and kind and will wipe the floor with you against a jury. That's why it's not all that sad that he left. What is sad is that we keep keeping the stupid bloody inactives around, when they obviously deserve to be gone. It's an insult to the game and to every player left in it that Frank and Peih-Gee have been allowed to stay over Aaron and Erik, regardless of how threatening they were. That being said... I'm officially plotting against Boo. He's told me twice that he's going after inactives, and twice he's turned it around and voted a Qeqqata off. I'm sorry. Once, I could forgive. Twice... is the start of a very bad precedent. Admittedly, it gave me perfect justification to look back and say, "Hey! Don't get mad at me. I voted for someone else." That kind of thing comes in very handy at the final three. Now, what I might do is get rid of the Kellys. Or I might get rid of Boo. I haven't decided yet. I'd have a harder time beating Boo in the finals, but with the Kellys there's a risk that the three of them would turn on me. But if I go to the end with them, I'd wipe the floor with any of them, since they all kind of mentally checked out a long time ago. (Incidentally, Damien... why did Frank's vote count? He didn't answer his TC question. And that's a requirement. Same thing with Kelly C. ) I dunno. I'll incite the rebellion and see where it ends up. It might just be easier to go to the end with Boo, and show conclusively that I could have chosen to take him out and didn't. We'll see.
Post by Host Sarah on Sept 27, 2010 15:20:57 GMT -5
So what are your steps in succeeding?
Post by Kelly Wiglesworth on Sept 27, 2010 16:22:38 GMT -5
That's a very good question, Sarah.
Well, first off, I had to approach Kelly G and get her on board with the idea of an all-Kelly alliance. What really kind of unnerves me is that Boo thinks I was attacking him at the last Tribal Council, when it was really just my way of publicly stating that is no freakin' Kelly alliance.
Except now there is. Because, hey, there's been enough freakin' whining about it that I can't see the point in not having one. With Shinn's extra vote, we have five, which gives us majority. Right now the plan is to send Peih-Gee home, which is good, because if Goldsmith doesn't win Immunity, she's boned like Paris Hilton on any given Friday night.
How will this plan work with majorly-emotional Boo? Well, to be honest, I don't know. I plan on telling him I'm voting Peih-Gee. I've done this for like three rounds in a row now, so if he gets freaked out and paranoid on me, I'll just say that I freakin' told him, and that he shouldn't worry about it. So, if the Kellys betray me, I can always go running back to him.
But I think once Frank and Peih-Gee are gone, and we're in the final six, things could very easily change again. I could go with Boo and Crystal, and take down the Kellys, or I can simply pick them off, and since I know that there's no way in hell that the Kellys can let Goldsmith get to the finals (since she'd kill us all), I should be a lock for final three either way.
Let's face it. No matter which way I go, I'm going to be a bastard. But I'm legitimately the one who deserves this victory most, so unless the jury decide to be totally bitter on me, I think I should have no problem defeating either the Kellys or Boo/Crystal.
Post by Kelly Wiglesworth on Oct 4, 2010 19:32:47 GMT -5
And... wow. Going into the final six, I'm actually a wee bit nervous for the first time this whole game.
I'm actually not at all sure why Kelly G chose to blame me for what went down with the vote. Frank and Kelly S are to blame, and I didn't do jack all to convince them to vote for Boo. In fact, I continually told them to vote differently.
I've continually told everybody to vote differently.
Seriously, this is just pissing me off to the ponit of ridiculousness. I've been playing both sides this entire game, and this entire game, I've done nothing but try to convince them to lay their stupid squabbles aside and just pick off the friggin' inactives so that we can actually respect ourselves for succeeding.
But, no. Apparently everybody thinks we need to drag them to the end.
Now, before I come across as a total martryr, let me say that I'm not clinging to this notion of getting rid of the inactives just for my own respectability. Far from it. After all, everybody knows that the smartest course of action when you're caught between two alliances is to let them duke it out, and then simply claim that you were really on the winning alliance's side all along.
Admittedly, I got kinda kneecapped on that with the revote, which forced me to pick sides. Didn't want to, but it happened. Sigh.
Well, we'll see how things go. I still think I'm gonna win this sucka.
Post by Kelly Wiglesworth on Oct 4, 2010 23:51:49 GMT -5
Darn straight. I fully intend to keep winning Immunity. After all, I'm pretty much an epic-level threat by this point, and who knows how long it'll take the jealous hos to be like, "Dangit. I'm tired of Kelly winning all the time!" and try to get rid of me. I'm posting this here to say that if Frank goes this round, I'm officially like the greatest thing ever. WHY? Because I will have not only convinced Boo and Kelly to put aside their differences and smite a mutual enemy, but I will also have managed to finally purge this game of one of the hangers-on that cling like runty barnacles of death to the good ship "Game I Will Be Proud Of Winning When I Look Back On This Years From Now." Yes. I'm awesome. And tha't not just the Immunity high talking. I'm awesome because no matter what happens this round, I come out smelling like roses. Even if Boo goes, Kelly Shinn still will owe everything to me for keeping the target off her. Even if Kelly goes, Boo owes me his life. If Frank goes, well, things are gonna get hella awkwaaaarrd next round, since I did technically agree to blindside him at the final five. We'll see how this goes. But, truth be told, it doesn't matter. I'm getting to the finals no matter what, and I'd like to believe that the jurors will all be mature enough to realize that I'm far and away the best player here, and that I fully deserve to win. Yes. I'm ego tripping just a bit. But, since I'm really the only one in this game who's been strategizing, I kind of think I deserve it. Just a bit.
Post by Kelly Wiglesworth on Oct 6, 2010 20:47:46 GMT -5
I'm awesome. Have I said that already?
But... I don't know what to do next round. Admittedly, if Peih-Gee votes for Boo, that kind of makes my decision for me. Kelly's got three votes, which is kind of a big deal for this TC. My sincere hope is that I get Immunity again, because, let's face it, when you go on a massive challenge blitz, you're pretty much doomed to being smote the second you let that necklace adorn somebody else's neck. But I've been pwning these challenges pretty handily all game, so I like my odds on this.
What also confuses me is whether we're going to have a final three or a final two. I've been expecting a final three for some time now, but with Ozzy, Goldsmith, and Czarnecki all being turfed from jury duty, a final three would result in only six jurors. Admittedly, that could be a good thing, because it's one less challenge to worry about, and totally reduces the risk that I'll get Rob C'ed and watch as Boo and *puke* Peih-Gee go to the final two.
Let's hope it's a final three. I want to win.
Post by Kelly Wiglesworth on Oct 9, 2010 12:58:32 GMT -5
Well, Shinn's pissed off. I don't blame her. I really need Immunity this time around, or she's gonna go on the warpath, and probably get Peih-Gee with her. My plan at this point is to either force a tie, or convince Shinn and Peih-Gee to split their votes. Probably the best bet would be to force a deadlock between Boo and Peih-Gee, and let them duke it out in a tiebreaker challenge. Everybody knows Peih-Gee blows at challenges, so putting her in the duel would guarantee that whichever one of us goes up against her will survive.
But, we'll see. Peih-Gee's a wildcard. She might force a deadlock. Or I might lie to her and tell her that it's purple rocks, and force her to change her vote. We'll see how evil I feel.
This is probably not the time to waffle, but it sucks, because I'm really not sure how things are going to go. But I've played the hell out of this game, and I intend to take it all the way.
Post by Host Sarah on Oct 9, 2010 15:39:13 GMT -5
Looking forward to the challenge
Post by Kelly Wiglesworth on Oct 9, 2010 17:13:05 GMT -5
Oh, it's gonna be hella intense. I predict a massive battle between me and Shinn. She's pissed off at me, so unless she's not on at the beginning and I can take her out, I think I might actually lose this one.